Friday, September 24, 2010


Ancient ancestors have expressed their art on walls whether it was painting, or carving. They wanted to mark their existence and express their art in some type of forms. Many of cave painting were subject of animals, and their life of the time. Graffiti is not too much different from early cave paintings. Both type of artist use walls as their canvas and express their feelings, emotions through art. Honestly I did not have much

of appreciation of graffiti art before until I watched a film about it in our history of design class. I thought graffiti’s were distracting, messy, and not pleasant to look at. However learning about graffiti I was able to appreciate more.

It was fascinating to see how every country/ regions

have their own unique taste of graffiti. Graffiti is not just someone doodling on a wall but rather it has deeper meaning than that. For example in 1980s in New York graffiti was emotional cry for young people. Sharing their state of mind. In Paris they see graffiti as trace of moment. Also in London, they view as honest form of expression. Graffiti can be a secret language and people who want to see it they see

it and get inspired.

Nowadays graffiti art doesn’t only stay on walls. It’s on cloths, hats, and bags.

Not only that there are graffiti sculptures, indusial designs, interior designs, and architectures. I have much deeper appreciation for graffiti artist for their boldness to paint on walls and their devotion.

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