Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sketches of Frank Gehry

In order to success or stand out of crowd the individual need to be brave and take risk, perhaps lots of risks. Frank Gehry is higly recognized architect and his works are very unique and the building he designed seems almost impossible to build. He loves to sketch and he can sketch very quickly like Kandinsky. Gehry would draw out his ideas on his sketchbook like any other architects would in the beginning process of designing a particular building. However his sketbook is not quite similar to theirs. His drawings are quick and almost hard to even recognize that they buildings. It is quite interesting to know where he gets his ideas. He gets his ideas from everywhere, surroundings, and he even gets ideas from looking at a painting; the contours and compositions of the painting. He then makes model after model to see if building can come to life. His works are almost imaginary building. Buildings he designed are so unique, free, whimsical and fun. He unique buildings are not only unqiue but have sound and movements to them. His free style of architecture is so different from other buildings. Some people have criticized his works saying that his building doesn’t seem to belong there and doesn’t match surroundings. Frank did not let those comments bother him too much he pressed on therefore he is where he is now.
I found it to be interesting when he said. “ It’s so stupid that I like it”. But he makes sure everything will come together. It is inspiring to know that although Frank Gehey did not have many supporters because of his different and unique ideas but he kept on going pressing forward.Which led him to be the leading and well-recognized architect today.



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