Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shepard Fiery- making powerful images

Shephard Fairey’s happy accident turned into something great. He is a contempory artist and graphic designer who take much interested in politics. He makes T-shirt and he is a consumer. He can fit into many categories but he refuses to pin down on certain category. He creates iconic images and his art is everywhere; Street signs, on walls and urban areas. They are everywhere in London, New York, L.A. etc.

He has inspired many graphic designers, street artists. His techniques are simple and effective.

His starting point with the Andres the Giant was spontaneous but had great reactions. His work pops out because he breaks boundaries, and some are mysterious. His work gives energy in public space. Some of his designs are purposely created to provoke questions.

He does not just create attractive artwork but his artwork serves some sort of purposes. He uses art for politics, critique capitalism, also supports certain political leader. Some of his work can work as paper bomb. His images can effect viewers’ emotions and persuade one’s thinking. I admire artist whose work is powerful and have effects on people. One thing that stood out to me the most what Shepard said was a lot of people can make powerful work but people fear to cross over their categories. For example thinking that people won’t take a graphic designer seriously when he/she decide to do studio art. So if we want to be a great artist we cannot hold back. Also stuck in silly categories. People who are passionate about something then they will improve. So instead of just pondering the ideas we should just do it because action is more important.

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