Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Art Nouveau (New Art)- making art everyday life

Bing had a great influenced on a movement of Art Nouveau. Bing was very much influenced by Japanese art. Bing collected Japanese art and promoted Japanese art to his fellow artists. Bing liked Japanese patterns, organic and free feel about Japanese art. Through his influence of Japanese art his influence Art Nouveau movement that lasted from 1890 to 1905.Art was not seeing only on walls or art museum during art nouveau it was more about seeing art all around you. This art movement was making art part of everyday life.

Most of art from Art nouveau are highly decorative and curvilinear and have organic feel to them. Although this movement was liked by many people not everybody liked it. Some thoughts they were overly decorative, cheap and they did not care for it too much.

I personally like art nouveau very much. I think a lot of artwork from the movement was interesting. Most of them are famine, organic, creative and decorative which I personally like. I love Mucha’s paintings of curvy body and hair because they are elegant and classy. Also suggest great movement of body. Also architect Antoni Gaudi’s work Barcelona is very amazing and breath taking. The details he put into this architecture piece is so interesting and creative. There were also people who were creative with interior designs, furniture design also jewelry designs. Tiffany lamp is a great example of art Nouveau. It is decorative art and it can be pat of everyday life. It has multiples of colors and has organic feel to them.

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