Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Through different typefaces the same messages can deliver in different ways because typefaces have expression, color, and motion. There are races and families in typeface. For example there are six types of race and they are: black letter, sans serif, roman (old style), square serif, script and novelty. Over the time typeface gradually got bigger, less serif and less decorative for legibility. Within this race there are typeface families. For example Universe, Gil Sans, Futura, Arial and Halvetica are all in San Serif group. They don’t look just like but they share similar characteristics. For an example this group they all don’t have serif. Halvetica was born in Switzerland in 1957. Designed by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Most of the typefcaces were named after whoever designed the fonts but Haveltica means the Swiss typeface. Halvetica is rational, neutral, simple, clean and efficient. Halvetica did not become popular until twentieth century. San serifs have heavier stems and uniform stroking they have excellent legibility. Halvetica can be used for almost every purpose. Most traffic signs, street names, interstate sign are done in san serifs and mostly Halvetica. Also it is widely used in newsletter, posters, packaging, and websites.

Now that I am taking Typography I take much more interested in different typefaces. I’ve grown to like Halvetica. I like the simple and clean look of Halvetica and I like how this typeface deliver message as well. I think it has sincere and intelligent feel to it. It is so interesting how typefaces can set mood of the story or document we are about to read. Also through taking publication of design I’ve learned how important it is for typeface to match the concept/content of designs. A typeface plays quiet interesting and important role!

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