Thursday, October 21, 2010

Film: Manufacture object

I was very fascinated with how designers/engineers come up with new ideas to make objects better and more comfortable. They don’t just come up with an idea and make it right away but it takes time and process.

When I used to think of word design I thought of it as making things appear attractive, neat and useful. However I have learned that design is an instrument of organization, and it must perform in response to human needs. It is an urgent requirement and finding the best solution to a problem. For an example potato peeler used to be metal but to make it more comfortable grip a designer came up with an idea to make the potato peeler handle from bicycle handle for comfortable grip. That really helped people with arteries. Product design is efficient and effective generation and development of idea through process that leads to new products. Designers and engineers are always looking for new ideas, new shapes to work with and search for things to make objects even better. It was inspiring to hear that there are designers trying to make things easier and more comfortable for people who are in not so good conditions such as people with physical and medical issues. They are the ones who are in needs things to be more convenient and comfortable than normal people. One designer said every object tells a story if we know how to read it. Good design doesn’t look too complicated rather they are simple and easy to operate. For example, Apple Company how their products have very simple and clean looks to it. Also it is simple to use and convenient. Through good designed products they improve our daily life. Good designed objects are not only useful and comfortable but things that will last long. Objects we can give to our next generation.

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